
udelunina umuthi owohlanganisa neminye imithi ukuze umuntu ojola naye noma oshade naye ezobheka wena kuphela angababheki abanye abantu. Delunina is a traditional herb that is used by native people in south africa to keep their lovers. It is used together with other herbs to spark attraction and to prevent a partner from cheating. Udelunina wodwa? uyakwazi yini ukuwusebenzisa uwodwa, yebo uyakwazi ukuwusebenzisa uwodwa. Kuncike ekutheni ufuna ukwenza ngani uyawuphuza futhi ukuze ukhipha ukuncola bese ufaka pantie liner ubone ukuncola kusala kwi pentie liner. Below we will look at udelunina uses. udelunina wenzani?

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